12 Michael Jorden(マイケルジョーダン アメリカの元バスケットボール選手); サッカー界のレジェンド達の名言!英語付き!やる気が出る・頑張れる・勇気が出る名言集 ジーコの名言 God does not abandon never the person to strive toward their dreams As far as there is also a possibility by a of hair, I don't give up Failure is a devil in an adventure But failure is feared, when you can't adventure so much, its organization will be that a decline keeps on ミア・ハムの名言 51 "If a team wants to intimidate you physically and you let them, they've won" 52 "It is more difficult to stay on top than to get there" 53 "Take your victories, whatever they may be, cherish them, use them, but don't settle for them" 6 クリスティアーノ・ロナウドの名言
23の名言とエピソードで知るヨハン クライフ 英語と和訳 名言倶楽部
サッカー選手 名言 英語 短い